A FEW WEEKS ago, the internet lost its collective mind at this photo of a mother and her two daughters.
(Spoiler: the mam is on the far left.)
Yesterday, This Morning invited 33-year-old Donna Galt and her 14-year-old daughter Mya, a mother-daughter duo who claimed that they were regularly mistaken for sisters. (Sure, okay.)
Nice work on the crimped hair, lads.
In the interview, Donna and her daughter said that they often wear matching outfits and have been known to go to gigs together.
Like so.
In a tweet yesterday, This Morning claimed to be unable to tell the difference between the pair.
And viewers were having none of it.
Come on, This Morning — you know full well which one is which.
Nice try, everyone.
Seems like a good time to invoke this guy…
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